Custom Scan Checks Example Extension The sample extension demonstrates the following techniques:
Registering a custom scan check
Performing passive and active scanning when initiated by the user
Using the Burp-provided AuditInsertionPoint
to construct requests for active scanning using specified payloads
Using a helper method to search responses for relevant match strings
Providing an MarkedHttpRequestResponse
to highlight relevant portions of requests and responses,
Synchronously reporting custom scan issues in response to the relevant checks.
Guiding Burp on when to consolidate duplicated issues at the same URL (e.g., when the user has scanned the same item multiple times).
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Custom Session Tokens Example Extension This example demonstrates how you can couple a recorded macro with an extension to automatically gain a session token for a website and use it in later requests that Burp makes.
The macro mechanism that Burp provides allows you to record the request triggering creation of a session made via the proxy.
The extension uses the following techniques:
Registers a SessionHandlingAction
Fetches the list of macro requests and responses
Extracts the response headers from the last HttprequestResponse
item in the list
Finds the relevant session header (in this example, this header is X-Custom-Session-Id
Returns an HttpRequest
with an updated session header
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自动化会话管理 :
多步骤过程中的令牌管理 :
应对防御机制 :
宏和自定义脚本中使用 :
当使用 Burp Suite 的宏功能进行复杂的预配置任务时,如自动登录并执行一系列操作,此插件可以被配置为宏的一部分,用于在执行宏时自动处理会话令牌的更新。
维持活跃会话 :
Custom Intruder Payloads Example Extension This example shows how you can use an extension to:
Generate custom Intruder payloads
Apply custom processing to Intruder payloads (including built-in ones)
When an extension registers itself as an Intruder payload provider, this will be available within the Intruder UI for the user to select as the payload source for an attack. When an extension registers itself as a payload processor, the user can create a payload processing rule and select the extension’s processor as the rule’s action.
The extension uses the following techniques:
Registers a new PayloadGeneratorProvider
, which returns a new PayloadGenerator
Registers a new PayloadProcessor
The PayloadGenerator
does the following:
Contains a list of payloads to be used
Iterates through the payload list, until there are no longer any payloads available
The PayloadProcessor
does the following:
Decodes the base value of the payload
Parses the location of the input
string in the decoded data
Rebuilds the serialized data with the new payload
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Persistence Example Extension The extension works as follows:
It saves and loads a simple incrementing integer value with the project file.
Sends to the event log how many times Burp or the extension were restarted.
It saves and loads extension built http requests
Sends the requests to repeater with an incrementing tab counter when Burp is restarted or the extension is reloaded.
It saves the last 5 requests/responses issued by Burp
Prints the last 5 request/responses to the output log when burp is restarted or the extension is reloaded.
Uses Persisted Lists to automatically save/load data stored in the list.
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public static final String REQUEST_WITH_HEADERS_KEY = "requestWithHeaders" ; public static final String REQUEST_FROM_URL_KEY = "requestFromUrl" ; private final MontoyaApi api; private final PersistedObject myExtensionData; public SavingLoadingRequests (MontoyaApi api) { this .api = api; this .myExtensionData = api.persistence().extensionData(); } public void runExample () { if (!checkForRequests()) { api.logging().raiseInfoEvent("No Requests saved, creating requests" ); createAndSaveExampleRequests(); } sendExampleRequestsToRepeaterWithStartupCount(); } private boolean checkForRequests () { return myExtensionData.httpRequestKeys().contains(SIMPLE_REQUEST_KEY) && myExtensionData.httpRequestKeys().contains(REQUEST_WITH_HEADERS_KEY) && myExtensionData.httpRequestKeys().contains(REQUEST_FROM_URL_KEY); } private void createAndSaveExampleRequests () { HttpRequest simpleRequest = httpRequest("GET / HTTP1.0\r\n\r\n" ); HttpRequest requestWithHeaders = httpRequest("GET / HTTP1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nMyHeader: Example\r\n\r\n" ); HttpRequest requestFromUrl = httpRequestFromUrl("http://localhost" ); myExtensionData.setHttpRequest(SIMPLE_REQUEST_KEY, simpleRequest); myExtensionData.setHttpRequest(REQUEST_WITH_HEADERS_KEY, requestWithHeaders); myExtensionData.setHttpRequest(REQUEST_FROM_URL_KEY, requestFromUrl); } private void sendExampleRequestsToRepeaterWithStartupCount () { HttpRequest simpleRequest = myExtensionData.getHttpRequest(SIMPLE_REQUEST_KEY); HttpRequest requestWithHeaders = myExtensionData.getHttpRequest(REQUEST_WITH_HEADERS_KEY); HttpRequest requestFromUrl = myExtensionData.getHttpRequest(REQUEST_FROM_URL_KEY); Integer startupCount = myExtensionData.getInteger(STARTUP_COUNT_KEY); api.repeater().sendToRepeater(simpleRequest, "Simple Request " + startupCount); api.repeater().sendToRepeater(requestWithHeaders, "Request With Headers " + startupCount); api.repeater().sendToRepeater(requestFromUrl, "Request From Url " + startupCount); } } import burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi;import burp.api.montoya.http.handler.*;import burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse;import burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedList;import burp.api.montoya.persistence.PersistedObject;import static burp.api.montoya.http.handler.RequestToBeSentAction.continueWith;import static burp.api.montoya.http.handler.ResponseReceivedAction.continueWith;import static burp.api.montoya.http.message.HttpRequestResponse.httpRequestResponse;public class RequestResponseLogging { private static final String REQUEST_RESPONSE_LIST_KEY = "last5" ; private final MontoyaApi api; private final PersistedObject myExtensionData; public RequestResponseLogging (MontoyaApi api) { this .api = api; this .myExtensionData = api.persistence().extensionData(); } public void runExample () { ensurePersistedListIsPresent(); PersistedList<HttpRequestResponse> myPersistedList = myExtensionData.getHttpRequestResponseList(REQUEST_RESPONSE_LIST_KEY); printToOutput(myPersistedList); api.http().registerHttpHandler(new HttpHandler () { @Override public RequestToBeSentAction handleHttpRequestToBeSent (HttpRequestToBeSent requestToBeSent) { return continueWith(requestToBeSent); } @Override public synchronized ResponseReceivedAction handleHttpResponseReceived (HttpResponseReceived responseReceived) { if (myPersistedList.size() >= 5 ) { myPersistedList.remove(0 ); } myPersistedList.add(httpRequestResponse(responseReceived.initiatingRequest().withBody("" ), responseReceived.withBody("" ))); return continueWith(responseReceived); } }); } private void printToOutput (PersistedList<HttpRequestResponse> myPersistedList) { for (HttpRequestResponse httpRequestResponse : myPersistedList) { api.logging().logToOutput(httpRequestResponse.request().toString()); api.logging().logToOutput("\n========================\n" ); api.logging().logToOutput(httpRequestResponse.response().toString()); api.logging().logToOutput("\n**************************" .repeat(2 )); } } private void ensurePersistedListIsPresent () { if (myExtensionData.getHttpRequestResponseList(REQUEST_RESPONSE_LIST_KEY) == null ) { PersistedList<HttpRequestResponse> emptyPersistedList = PersistedList.persistedHttpRequestResponseList(); myExtensionData.setHttpRequestResponseList(REQUEST_RESPONSE_LIST_KEY, emptyPersistedList); } } } public class PersistenceExample implements BurpExtension { static final String STARTUP_COUNT_KEY = "Startup Count" ; @Override public void initialize (MontoyaApi api) { api.extension().setName("Persistence example extension" ); PersistedObject myExtensionData = api.persistence().extensionData(); Integer startupCount = myExtensionData.getInteger(STARTUP_COUNT_KEY); if (startupCount == null ) { startupCount = 0 ; } myExtensionData.setInteger(STARTUP_COUNT_KEY, startupCount + 1 ); api.logging().raiseInfoEvent("Startup count is: " + myExtensionData.getInteger(STARTUP_COUNT_KEY)); advancedExamples(api); } private static void advancedExamples (MontoyaApi api) { SavingLoadingRequests savingLoadingRequests = new SavingLoadingRequests (api); savingLoadingRequests.runExample(); RequestResponseLogging requestLogging = new RequestResponseLogging (api); requestLogging.runExample(); } }
WebSocket Handler Example Extension The extension works as follows:
It registers a web socket created handler
When a web socket is created
It sends an initial text message
It registers a message listener for the websocket
Any message from the client that contains the text “password” is base64 encoded.
This extension demonstrates registering a top level menu bar item with various actions.
It demonstrates the following techniques:
Creating a BasicMenuItem with a caption Providing an action for a BasicMenuItem Adding the Menu to Burp Registering an ExtensionUnloadingHandler
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 import burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi;import burp.api.montoya.extension.ExtensionUnloadingHandler;public class MyExtensionUnloadingHandler implements ExtensionUnloadingHandler { private final MontoyaApi api; public MyExtensionUnloadingHandler (MontoyaApi api) { this .api = api; } @Override public void extensionUnloaded () { api.logging().logToOutput("Extension has been unloaded." ); } } import burp.api.montoya.BurpExtension;import burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi;import;import;import;public class MenuBar implements BurpExtension { @Override public void initialize (MontoyaApi api) { api.extension().setName("Add menu bar" ); api.logging().logToOutput("Extension has been loaded." ); BasicMenuItem alertEventItem = BasicMenuItem.basicMenuItem("Raise critical alert" ).withAction(() -> api.logging().raiseCriticalEvent("Alert from extension" )); BasicMenuItem basicMenuItem = MenuItem.basicMenuItem("Unload extension" ); MenuItem unloadExtensionItem = basicMenuItem.withAction(() -> api.extension().unload()); Menu menu ="Menu bar" ).withMenuItems(alertEventItem, unloadExtensionItem); api.userInterface().menuBar().registerMenu(menu); api.extension().registerUnloadingHandler(new MyExtensionUnloadingHandler (api)); } }
This extension adds a new context menu item to print out the request or response of an HttpRequestResponse in the Target, Proxy or Logger tab.
The sample extension demonstrates the following techniques:
Registering a new ContextMenuItemsProvider. Creating a JMenuItem. Adding an action listener to a JMenuItem. If you right-click in a message editor context, it will use the item from the message editor. If you right-click on a table item, it will print the request/response for the first selected item.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class MyContextMenuItemsProvider implements ContextMenuItemsProvider { private final MontoyaApi api; public MyContextMenuItemsProvider (MontoyaApi api) { this .api = api; } @Override public List<Component> provideMenuItems (ContextMenuEvent event) { if (event.isFromTool(ToolType.PROXY, ToolType.TARGET, ToolType.LOGGER)) { List<Component> menuItemList = new ArrayList <>(); JMenuItem retrieveRequestItem = new JMenuItem ("Print request" ); JMenuItem retrieveResponseItem = new JMenuItem ("Print response" ); HttpRequestResponse requestResponse = event.messageEditorRequestResponse().isPresent() ? event.messageEditorRequestResponse().get().requestResponse() : event.selectedRequestResponses().get(0 ); retrieveRequestItem.addActionListener(l -> api.logging().logToOutput("Request is:\r\n" + requestResponse.request().toString())); menuItemList.add(retrieveRequestItem); if (requestResponse.response() != null ) { retrieveResponseItem.addActionListener(l -> api.logging().logToOutput("Response is:\r\n" + requestResponse.response().toString())); menuItemList.add(retrieveResponseItem); } return menuItemList; } return null ; } } import burp.api.montoya.BurpExtension;import burp.api.montoya.MontoyaApi;public class ContextMenu implements BurpExtension { @Override public void initialize (MontoyaApi api) { api.extension().setName("Context menu extension" ); api.userInterface().registerContextMenuItemsProvider(new MyContextMenuItemsProvider (api)); } }